The History of Magic

by H. Van Dusen

1: The First Dark Age

[Editor’s Note: Duerson wrote this in a time when humans barely regarded the magic done by non-human peoples. This oversight has been rectified by more recent scholarship. Here, as in so much else, the divide lies at the Great War. We present his work as a classic example of the older historical tradition. A good […]

9 Battle Magic in Altearth

Concerning the Use of Magick in Combat in Pre-Modern Europa (this essay originally appeared as Essai en thaumaturgie dans la guerre, by Contamine Fils. Translated by E.C. Müller, 2624 AUC.) Introduction Other writers have addressed various aspects of combat, particularly personal combat, with many useful tracts concerning the use of sword and shield, horse and […]

4: The Age of Steam

Volume 4: Magic in the Age of Steam by H. Van Dusen originally published 2663 AUC From Maria Theresa to the Present The Scientific Revolution transformed the practice of magic from an art to a science. We learned to harness magical powers in specific and reproducible ways, then we put those powers to work in […]